A2 cow ghee is used to improve physical and mental health through the ages. Its regular use helps to improve cold sores, burns, lips and mouth ulcers and many Ayurvedic medicines are prepared with desi cow ghee.
According to ancient Ayurveda, pure desi cow ghee is full of essential nutrients, fatty acids, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and antiviral properties. It is cool, sweet and full of saturated fat.
You can add 2 teaspoons of it to your cooked food during lunch or dinner or you can use it in cooking. If the ghee is in the solid state then warm it for some time till it becomes liquid. Keep in mind that if cow ghee is very old then it is more effective and costly.
Ayurveda describes eight kinds of Ghrita/Ghee which are obtained from the milk of eight different animals. Among all, ghee which is obtained from the milk of a cow (Cow’s ghee or Go Ghrita) is considered best and sacred.
Indian cow ghee, the golden elixir of Ayurveda is an oil with a long and interesting history. A staple of Indian, Arabic, and North African cooking, it is also found throughout Indonesian societies. Ghee is the rendered fat of butter.
Butter is made in several different ways, which results in butter with slightly different fat, water and milk solids content. Pure desi ghee is the traditional Indian ghee made from cow’s milk that is first collected and saved for a few days to “culture”.
The cultured milk is then churned to produce butter. Churning separates the emulsified fats in the milk from the liquid or aqueous portion of the milk. The leftover liquid is called buttermilk and is used for drinking and cooking.
The rendered oil known as ghee is called ghrita in Sanskrit, the traditional language of the ancient texts of Ayurveda. Caraka clearly states the indications for ghee: “promotes memory, intelligence, agni, semen, Ojas, Kapha and medas.
It alleviates Vata, Pitta, poison, insanity, phthisis, inauspiciousness and fever. It is the best of all fats, is cold, madhura rasa, madhura vipaka, has 1000 potentialities and so, if used properly according to prescribed methods, exerts 1000 types of action.”
Sushruta makes an even stronger statement on the medicinal uses of ghee. “Ghrita (ghee) is sweet, mild in action, soft, cold in potency (Virya), not increasing moisture in the tissues, lubricating, relieve upward movement in the alimentary tract, insanity, epilepsy, colic, and distension of the abdomen, mitigates Vata and pitta, kindles agni, increases memory, wisdom, intelligence, complexion, voice, beauty, the softness of the body, vitality, vigour, strength, and span of life; is an aphrodisiac, good for vision, increases Kapha, wards off sins and inauspiciousness, destroys poisons and demons.”
He further elaborates on the properties and applications of ghees obtained from the various types of animal milk, including human, elephant and camel milk. According to Stushruta, Sushruta Samhita. Vol. 1 ghee from cow’s milk is superior for all ailments.

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The presence of cow ghee makes these medicines more potent and helps better absorption. Such medicines go to the minute pores of the body and lubricate them. Medicated ghee is a tonic for the nerve and brain.
As per Ayurveda, Purna Ghrita/Old ghee (ghee which is stored for 5-10 years before use) is useful in the treatment of epilepsy, intoxication, fainting, malaria, diseases of the head, eyes, ears, and diseases of the female reproductive system.
It is antibacterial and antimicrobial in nature. It shows beneficial effects in pneumonia, cough, and excessive phlegm. Purana ghee is a tonic and expectorant. Topically it is used on boils, carbuncles and sores.
Utility of Ghee In Ayurveda
Ghee is renowned as one of the most valuable oils in Ayurveda which has shown to support the development of ojas or physical and intellectual strength and stability. A person maintains healthy ojas, has a strong immune system and the capability to withstand stress. Hence, if the body is turning weak and dehydrated or emotional feelings of fragility and sensitivity are occuring up,therefore, Ayurvedic studies might suggest building ojas with the help of the meal. Most of the important foods that improve ojas are raw, whole milk, almonds, dates and of course, ghee.
Therefore, ghee is known to be sacred in Ayurveda and Hinduism not only due to its multiple health advantages and medicinal properties, as well as also because of its origin from cows. According to Hinduism, cows are sacred and symbolize life and the key source of food for many. The era when Ayurveda was introduced over 5,000 years ago, there were no factory farms, hence, complete dairy products used to be raw, unadulterated, and from healthy cows sustaining their lives in nature. Therefore, it becomes our duty in the current modern world to opt for raw dairy products delivered from companies along with ethical practices, where animal welfare is rather more important as compared to the bottom dollar. The Ayurvedic Practitioner explains that cows freely surrender themselves to us, supplying us with a sacred gift from the universe, ghee, which we should rather not take advantage of.
Hence, ayurveda has a connection with golden ghee and its multiple advantageous uses. The organic, fresh, pure cow ghee can deliver a healthy, stable body with the help of its capability to nourish the skin, develop ojas and enhance even much better self-love. Mostly, ghee could be thought of as pure love provided to us from the cow. Such pure love is transferred from the cow into the oil, and in turn this oil provides us the capability to impart much better self-love and self-care towards ourselves.
Notify the common ailment and how they are cured with the help of cow ghee:
1. Migraine
In migraine, desi cow ghee can be used for performing Nasya treatment, which includes putting a few drops of pure desi cow ghee into each nostril before going to bed and after waking in the early morning for one week. It is recommended for patients to have in routine 10 grams of cow ghee mixed with misri (rock sugar) once a day, preferable every morning, for three continuous days.
2. Excessive coughing in children
For this, cow ghee is the best remedy. It will work like Vicks vapour. When it is rubbed on the body it gets melted and increases your body’s hotness within. Before massaging with ghee just warm it like lukewarm water and then massage with it on the chest. It will give relief from cough. If a child is having a severe cold due to the change of season or viral infection, heat two teaspoons of desi cow ghee with garlic in a container till the colour of garlic turns slightly brown. Once this mixture cools, apply it to the child’s chest. It’ is an accustomed massage for the child.
3. Nose bleeding
Alum (aluminum potassium sulfate) also called phulkari, is pulverized and added to pure desi cow ghee. For curing nasal bleeding these drops of the mixture are inserted into the nostrils to cure nose bleeding.
4. Alcohol intoxication
Get relief from alcohol intoxication by eating 24 grams of cow ghee mixed with an equal quantity of misri (rock sugar)
5. Burn injuries
Cow ghee is usually applied to produce relief from burns and wounds. Besides, the Ayurveda suggests the use of cow ghee for the treatment of painful ulcers, harmful wounds, leprosy, herpes, injury caused by heat or fire.
6. Hiccups
The consumption of 1 tablespoon of cow ghee provides relief from hiccups.

Cow Ghee Health Benefits and Uses
- Excellent for cooking: Cow Ghee has high smoking point and that is why it absorbs completely into food.
- Excellent home remedy to improve digestion and curing constipation.
- It is considered as a best brain tonic and memory enhancer.
- Normalises Vata and Pitta. Nourishes body.
- Improve sperm count and strengthens sexual power.
- Good for eyes and vision.
- Good for building stamina.
- Excellent for glowing skin (external use)
- Excellent for increasing appetite.
- It is beneficial for curing thyroid dysfunction.
- It is used to heal wounds, chapped lips and mouth ulcers.
- Detoxifies body.
- Body massage with ghee boosts the immune system.
- Cures insomnia.
- Best for lubrication of joint.
- Burn healing – Also useful when applied to burns.
- Increases metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol.
- Helps in curing hair fall.
- Good for a healthy heart.
- Bleeding nose, brain stroke, sinus headaches and migraine problem get cured completely. Add 2 drops of little bit warm cow ghee in the nostrils for a few days and see the miracle.
- Adding 1-2 teaspoons of ghee specifically helps reduce stubborn belly fat. But Excess of ghee may increase your weight.
- The study says that it mobilizes fats from stubborn fat areas of the body. Break down fat from the body.
Precautions for Eating Cow Ghee
- Ghee you are eating should be pure.
- Should not consume more than required. It may lead to weight gain.
- Should consume it in moderation.
- Exercise or physical activity is necessary for those who consuming cow ghee on a daily basis. Otherwise, it may lead to weight gain.
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